Sutton Opportunity Pre-School
Rear of 16-18 Stanley Park Road Front Entrance
Tel:07494 649486
E-mail Address: info@suttops.co.uk
Opening Times & Fees for Parents & Carers
Opening Times
We are open Monday to Friday each week from 09:00 to 15:00
Morning session 09:00 – 12:00
Afternoon session 12:00 – 15:00
Lunch Club 12:00 - 13:00
Additionally we run a breakfast club from 8:00-9:00am Monday- Friday
We are closed during the London Borough of Sutton school holidays and for a staff planning day at the beginning of each half term.
Please refer to our Diary Dates for full information.
We provide care and education for young children between the ages of 2 years and 5 years (i.e. up to statutory school age).
We open for 38 weeks each year, in line with local primary school terms. Check our Diary Dates for term dates
The fees are £17.00 per session payable half-termly.
Lunch Club £4.00, children require a packed lunch
Breakfast Club, £4.00 per session
Fees must still be paid if children are absent without notice for a short period of time. You must give at least at least half a terms notice of leaving the pre-school. If notice is not given you will be charged fees for that half term. If your child has to be absent over a long period of time, talk to the manager.
For your child to keep her/his place at the pre-school, you must pay the fees.
Government Funding and Fee Information
We are in receipt of nursery education funding for three and four year olds; where funding is not received, then fees apply.
Government funding is available to all 3 year olds, from the fixed date following their third birthday, as follows:
Date of third birthday ⇒ Government funding starts
1 April to 31 August ⇒ Term 1 – September
1 September to 31 December ⇒ Term 3 – January
1 January to 31 March ⇒ Term 5 – April
Each funded child is entitled to 15 hours per week. These 15 hours can be taken flexibly within the following constraints:
A minimum of 3 hours per day
A maximum of 6 hours per day
Complete hours only
Funded hours cannot be shared with another provider.
Funded hours cannot be carried forward to another week or used for playschemes
Additional hours will be charged at an hourly rate of £6.00​